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Welcome, Smithies!

请参阅本页的信息以了解更多澳门葡京博彩软件的信息, 必需的健康表格和学生健康保险计划, 哪些是专门为满足我们的学生离家的需要而设计的. 请注意,沙赫特中心对所有本科生开放, regardless of insurance, 除了化验和疫苗外,大多数服务都是免费的. As a student health center, 沙赫特中心和我们的医疗服务提供者没有与保险公司签订合同. 学生需自行承担计划中未包括的所有费用.


Important: Required Information

Submit Your Health Forms

We do not accept forms via email. You must submit forms via the Patient Portal, or if you choose to submit paper medical forms, please send them by U.S. mail or fax. 我们将于6月中旬开始审查所需的健康表格 如有遗失物品,请联系您.  如对填写表格有任何疑问,请与我们联系 学生需要提交COVID疫苗的文件, 包括疾病预防控制中心推荐的初级系列和增强系列. 

Required Health Form (PDF)


请与我们办公室联系,并与护士交谈. 我们鼓励你预约一个新的病人来熟悉一下. If you have food allergies, 联系无障碍资源中心,并随时携带EPI-PEN. Students requiring allergy shots must seek a local allergy provider; we do not provide allergy shots.

Who We Are

我们是一个医疗保健专业团队,致力于帮助所有学生保持健康和完整. 我们接受所有性别和身份的学生,无论是否有保险,都可以预约. 我们全年都提供有趣、内容丰富的研讨会. 

Medical Services

We provide routine preventative health care such as sports and travel physicals; general check-ups; clearance exams for volunteer work or internships; reproductive and sexual health exams; contraception; and related health education. 我们为疾病和受伤提供问题导向的护理, nutrition consultation, and acupuncture services. We have a lab on site.

Counseling Services

我们有执照的心理健康顾问和精神科医生提供单次治疗, crisis, some ongoing treatment, 护理转诊和团体咨询,以支持心理健康需求和药物管理.

Wellness Services

我们的健康团队提供一对一的预约和特别的研讨会,旨在帮助所有学生充实地生活, 平衡生活,找到自己独特的繁荣方式. 

Contact Us


Contact Information

Schacht Center for Health and Wellness

21 Belmont Avenue
Northampton, Massachusetts 01063

General Phone




Appointment Desk


After-hours Answering Service and Nurse

413-585-2800 (Option 1)

Nurses’ Station



413-585-2800 (Option 2)


Additional Helpful Contacts


Contact Information

Accessibility Resource Center


Campus Safety 


Smith Students’ Aid Society

Anne White

Student Health Insurance Plan



30 Locust Street

Nearby Pharmacies
(walking distance from campus)

Serio’s Pharmacy
63 State Street

CVS Pharmacy
90 Main Street

Academic Year Office Hours



Pelham Medical Services

Monday–Friday 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

Medical Appointments

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Wednesday: 12:30–4 p.m. (nurse available for urgent needs 9 a.m.–12:30 p.m.)


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m.
Appointments required. 请致电413-585-2800预约. 学生需自行承担保险未涵盖的任何费用. 请带一份你的保险卡复印件去预约.

Counseling Service

星期一,星期二,星期三,星期四,星期五.m.–4:30 p.m.

Wellness Services

Sign up online for Open Hours

After Hours

When the medical service is closed, 一名护士可提供电话咨询:413-585-2800(选项1). 咨询师电话:413-585-2800(选项2). 

Urgent Care

When the medical service is closed, call 413-585-2800 (Option 1 for nursing, Option 2 for urgent counseling needs).

如有需要,可在 Cooley Dickinson Hospital and a number of area urgent care providers. 校园安全可以提供紧急运输到库利·迪金森医院.

When College Offices Are Closed

澳门葡京博彩软件学术和行政办公室因天气或其他紧急情况而关闭时, the Schacht Center is closed. 拨打413-585-2800(选择1护理,选择2紧急咨询需求).

Additional Information

Health Insurance

我们强烈建议所有学生购买学生健康保险计划. 该计划在校园和整个马萨诸塞州西部提供全面的覆盖. 该计划于每年8月15日至8月14日生效. 所有学生都自动加入该计划, 并要求填写网上决定表格 Gallagher Student Health website by the posted deadline. 有关保险计划的进一步资料, waivers, 及有关截止日期将于7月1日或前后公布 Student Financial Services office. 

有关放弃或接受学生健康保险的问题应直接到 Gallagher Student Health or Student Financial Services via email to

Learn more about health insurance.

Allergy Shots

沙赫特中心不再提供过敏免疫治疗, 包括注射或舌下治疗, commonly referred to as allergy shots. 符合患者安全的最佳做法, 需要过敏治疗的学生最好由当地的过敏专科医生来治疗.

Learn more about allergy shots.

Health Resources

关于一般健康资源的综合指南, vaccines, LGBTQIA+ health and wellness, reproductive and sexual health, healthy relationships and more.

Health resources

What to Bring to Campus

  • 如果您有保险卡和处方卡,请提供一份复印件
  • Prescription medications
  • 非处方药:泰诺、阿维、感冒药、维生素、防晒霜等.
  • Thermometer
  • 如果你戴隐形眼镜,在你目前的处方中带上眼镜作为备用计划.

Wellness Education

所有新生都必须在8月中旬之前完成SMART(澳门葡京博彩软件酒精风险教程)视频和附带的测试. 这些培训包括酒精安全、大麻安全和同意. 您可以通过2022-2023年培训Moodle页面访问培训!

如果你想探索其他健康话题, 您可以查看我们的健康资源网站了解更多信息.